A few of our Rescued

Virtual Adoption:
Animal of the Month -
Green Moray Eel
click on the picture to visit our storefront now
Rainbow Sharks
Fancy Goldfish
Black Mollies
Bearded Dragon
Boa Constrictor
Red Eared Slider Turtles
Ball Python
Black Rat Snake
American Alligator
Alligator Snapping Turtle
Green Spotted Puffer
Eastern Garter Snake
Black Racer
Ring Necked Snake
Eastern Box Turtle
an Animal:
We may be albe to pick up your animal
in Northern Virginia or Spotsylvania area.
But, we accept drop offs at our
Spotslyvania, VA location. Email us to
schedule the drop off please.
Email: donate@sssrescue.org
1. We rescue exotic pet reptiles,
amphibians, fish, and birds that owners no
longer want or can keep. We provide an
alternative to euthanasia, starving, or
releasing the animal into the wild. A
humane way out for owners who have an animal
that is too large, too difficult to care
for, mean, or is just no longer wanted. It
is a "win win" for you and your pet. You
donate your pet to SSS Rescue and receive a
fair market value receipt for a tax
deduction. Dontated animals are often
adopted out to our volunteers who have
demonstrated special care and interest
in the animals. We also transfer
animals to other pet sanctuaries that
specialize in those animals.
Please note that we do not consider adoption
requests from the public at this time.
2. We provide "virtual pet adoptions"
ensuring these exotic pets are kept in the
specialized care and enclosures they require
while you may be able to catch a glimpse of
them over the internet or your mobile
device. And 100% of your donation goes
directly to the care of your adopted animal
and is tax deductible.
3. We rescue native reptiles that are
"too close for comfort" to your house and
relocate them away from residential areas.
4. We also educate the public on
exotic animal laws that exist and
significant specialized care most of these
exotic "pets" require. We introduce
the public to facts on keeping exotic pets
that they should consider before buying one.
Exotic animals such as reptiles,
amphibians, large species of fish such as
sharks, and some large birds do not make good
pets for the general public. These animals
require considerable specialized food and
environmentally controlled enclosures to ensure
they are not a danger to the enviorment, native
animals, themselves or to your
family... read more
National Laws
Python Ban...
State Laws
Summary of Law: No person may possess nonnative
exotic animals that are classed as predatory or
undesirable as a "pet." Nonnative exotic animals
include, but are not limited to: bears, wolves,
coyotes, weasels, badgers, hyenas, all species
of non-domesticated cats, alligators, and
Maryland: No person may possess or breed
the following species of animals as a "pet":
foxes, skunks, raccoons, all species of bears,
alligators, crocodiles, all species of wild
cats, wolves, nonhuman primates, various
venomous reptiles, etc.
Read more....